Polka Dot

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


No doubt, a website the kids love to learn from (and I enjoy as well) is www.brainpop.com (for older kids) and www.brainpopjr.com (for the younger tots)!  There are even resources that come with each video!  How cool is that?!

If you like to sprinkle your lessons with videos then definitely check 'em out!

Write to Winnie

With my 2nd graders, we were writing friendly letters...to POOH!  I had them watch a clip of Winnie-the-Pooh and then in their letters they told Pooh 3 things about themselves and asked Pooh 3 questions about him. 

Once they were done with their letter, they put it in our REAL mailbox to send off for Pooh to read and write back to them individually.  I enjoyed reading their letters and becoming Pooh to write back to them! 

It was a great way to review writing friendly letters, and both the kids and I loved it!!