Polka Dot

Monday, January 30, 2012

No Germs Pass

I saw this neat idea in Mailbox, and I thought it was really cute!!

For bathroom passes,  have two bottles of hand sanitizer:  one for boys and the other for girls.  A lot better than having paper bathroom passes...I thought...

Describe Me

Learning adjectives/describing words?!  My class (not exactly mine, but who I'm with until May) loved having hot chocolate, and then we came up with many adjectives for it!

What do they


Yeah, there's an answer for all of those!

Conveniently enough, I started reading to them Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl today, so that flowed together nicely!

Don't want to do hot chocolate?!  Well, then find something that floats your boat :).

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Yummy Liquids and Solids

Today, my 2nd grade student teaching class learned about changing states of matter:  freezing and melting.

A yummy demonstration you can do to show the two states is to have a can of frozen juice (orange, apple, grape, take your pick) and have the children stir it, adding heat.

Once it is all melted, and everyone has had a turn at stirring, pour it into cups (have a glass baking dish for convenience so you can carry them all at the same time), and then put it in the freezer.

Once they are a little frozen, stick some popsicle sticks in.

The next day, the children can enjoy some popsicles, while learning about the states of matter!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I am a very visual person and I especially love to get to get up and move.  So to incorporate that with my students, I saw an amazing way to teach particles of solids, liquids, and gases.

Ask a group of students to come up front of the room.  They are to be slightly moving...vibrating, to be more exact.  They are the particles of solids.

Then, have another group to demonstrate liquids.  This group moves around, yet they are contained in some sort of "container" within the room.  These particles bounce off when they hit the "edge" of the container (these can be desks, walls, etc).

Last but not least, you have your group of gases get up and show gas particles.  These "particles" can move anywhere around the room, but when they bump into something, they bounce back and keep moving in that same direction.  These particles are also spread out throughout the room with no container.

Isn't this a cooler way to teach particles and show them HOW the particles really move?!  I think so!

Act and Prop

I absolutely love dressing up and having props here and there! So if you're teaching colonial America, (and this works for many various lessons!!), have your students dress up as that person...
        ....act out something possibly....
             ......and have some props that they bring in or even make to go along with their character!!!

Not only is it fun, but it gets them to really experience what it was like to live in in the colonial times (or whatever lesson you happen to be teaching)!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Come out to Harrisonburg's Chick-Fila from 5-7 p.m. and you will be helping Cornerstone Christian School raise money for their school!

And if you say you're for Mrs. Nolt's class, the class I'm doing my practicum can win a party!! All you have to do is just come and eat!! :)

Thanks everyone!! Hope to see you there!! 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Wheel of Fortune

Another game show I loved as a child was Wheel of Fortune! So you could use it for your classroom as well!

Create or buy a "wheel of fortune", or for convenience use an electronic one.  Ask your question, and if they get the answer correct, let them guess at a letter!  The team/person who guesses the puzzle correctly receives points! 

This is...Jeopardy!

Reviewing for a test can be made fun and engaging with...JEOPARDY!!  I remember loving it as a kid, so your students will probably love it too!  I found many templates on Google for creating your own Jeopardy game, so check them out!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Practicum at Cornerstone Christian

When I found out I was going to do my January practicum at Cornerstone Christian Elementary, I didn't even know where this place was!

But God has blessed me so much!!  I am soooo glad to have been given this opportunity to be a this school!  I have learned a lot already, and it has only been 3 days that I have been there!

The people are wonderful, the atmosphere if filled with God's presence, and it is just an amazing experience!!