Polka Dot

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Student Teaching!

I should have announced this earlier, but I'm really excited about knowing my placement! I got to meet my 2nd graders at Pleasant Valley Elementary School!!  I already went for my field experience for 10 hours.  Soon, I'll be there every single day for a whole semester!  Can't wait!!

Similarities and Differences

In my curriculum class, we have been studying what research shows about various strategies to use so students learn better.   

Classroom Instruction that Works by Marzano, Pickering, and Pollock is given credit for this information presented here.

I'll start off with...

Identifying similarities and differences.

The percentile gain is 31-46%!

What it is?

There are four parts to this strategy:
Comparing:  what do the two objects/ideas have in common, what is different?

Classifying:  first identifying similarities and differences and then organizing into two or more categories based on similarities/differences.

Creating Metaphors:  identifying abstract similarities and differences between two elements.

Creating Analogies:  identifying how two pairs of elements are similar and different.