Polka Dot

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Map It!

So the coolest two maps I have seen in my life were in 2nd and 4th grade.  Not only did I see it, I ate it too!

Teaching mountains, rivers, etc etc...make a candy map with your kids!!  Including their sense of taste will make them remember better whatever it is you're teaching them...for sure/1  Here's a few suggestions (feel free to add, subtract, and substitute your own ideas)!  There's hundreds of candy out there that you could use for your specified lesson.  Be creative :).

Land:  green icing
Oceans:  blue icing
Mountains:  chocolate chips
Rivers:  Twizzlers (separated, preferably blue)
Major cities:  Gumdrops or something of that sort

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What...a Worksheet?!

Hate worksheets?!  Me too!  But, put a spin on the whole worksheet ordeal!  Have your class make a worksheet themselves!!

Each student writes a question on whatever topic it is that you're doing...may it be a math worksheet, science, social studies, whatever...and then you compile the worksheet and give it out.  Imagine how proud they feel about their contribution!

And maybe throw in some of your own...they'll never know ;).


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

They can act!!

One thing I hate when children grow up learning to read out loud without expression.  And when they get to to be adults, they're stuck expressionless. 

So...why not set up a theater in YOUR classroom (or if you can, use the auditorium)?!  Get out those props, costumes, and have them do a play and make them use EXPRESSION!!  No one wants to go to play where the actors have no sense of voice.  At least I don't!  If you don't wanna go through the trouble of having props, costumes, and lots of movement, then just read the play out loud with (but don't forget to make them use:  expression, Expression, EXPRESSION!).

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blog About A Blog

Kids looove the internet so why not have them publish on the net?!  You can have your own classroom blog!  It's free, it's easy, so why not?!

Each week (or day, it's whatever schedule you want) one student can post something on your classroom blog.  They can choose the topic (or you can, it's also up to you).  Then, they can share the link with their parents, friends, family, neighbors, etc.  Imagine just how proud they'll feel!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Create, Edit, Create Some More

Do your kids dream of being on the front of cover of a magazine? 
Well, why not make your very own magazine with your class (or grade)?! 
They can create a magazine with all the sections a real one would have but it would be personalized just for your class!  They can have an Advice section, Featured Stories, even advertisements!!
Divvy up the responsibilities and getting the writing, editing, photographing, designing going in your classroom!!!

Bonus:  Sell it to the parents and make some money :).

Monday, August 1, 2011

Write to Each Other

I think one of the most fun ways to get kids to write is when they journal about themselves and you comment on their writing, sharing parts of your life as well.  Walking through Barnes&Noble, a book there inspired me to write this post.  It was a book with ideas for journal entries.  I am so totally going to buy that book and USE it!!  Kids like writing about themselves and I like to know my students :).